We Raised $1M to Reimagine Construction Management

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Matt Perrott
Co-Founder - BuildPass
Feb 28, 2022 - 21:12 PMMax 3min read
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We're excited to announce that we have raised our first round of funding! We have raised $1M in a pre-seed round with some fantastic angel investors from Australia and America.

We'll be using this funding to expand our team, speed up product development and set up a marketing function to grow our customer base.

What are we building?

We are building a connected ecosystem for construction companies to streamline their operations and manage more of their business in one place.

Construction is complex and as a result there's so many different ways of managing a construction project. There's lots of apps for various parts of the process, but the biggest complaint we hear is there's "too many apps". Often builders end up reverting to paper, email and spreadsheets because of the overload.

Our mission is to change the current landscape by providing a single platform to run a construction project.

What's next?

Our focus to date has been working very closely with early customers to refine our product and ensure we're building the most crucial features in an intuitive way.

Growth to date has been purely word of mouth, but we're now ready to scale our customer base, so we'll be setting up our sales and marketing function.

From a feature perspective, there's four main areas we're focussing on:

  • Health and safety
  • Quality assurance
  • Project management
  • Asset management

We have a detailed and ambitious roadmap that we're very transparent about. If you're thinking about adopting BuildPass but would like to understand where we're headed, just reach out and we'd be very happy to share the roadmap.

What's not on the roadmap?

We are purely focussed on construction management. We don't have any plans to get involved in the pre-construction process, or in the financial side of things.

There are already great solutions to do estimating, tendering and quoting, and there's lots of high quality accounting packages. We'll integrate with these tools to provide a seamless transition between products.


We're excited for the impact we can have in 2022. Thanks to all of our team, early customers, advisors and investors for the belief so far. Let's make this a massive year!

If you'd like to learn more about what we're doing at BuildPass, please reach out any time. We'd love to chat.

Matt, Aaron and the BuildPass Team

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