Improving navigation

Sometimes, change is necessary, and this is certainly the case with the navigation menu within BuildPass. Our menu has been there since day 1 when we launched the product to our very first builder.. Since those initial days, we've learnt a lot about how our users use BuildPass and have reworked the navigation to reflect that.

We understand change can be a little unnerving but we promise this is not just change for the sake of change. Let's talk through a few of the improvements in no particular order:

  • Cleaner and more compact - Thiswill likely be the first thing you notice. The menu looks slightly different whilst not being completely foreign. Given the number of modules BuildPass now supports, we've made the design more compact to reduce the amount of scrolling required. Here are a couple of bonus features:
    • Menu items can be opened in a new tab like normal links
    • The menu panel can be resized (double click to go back to the original size)
  • Project selector improvements - We’ve tidied up the project selector to help make identifying projects simpler. Oh, and for our bigger builders, after 7 projects, we show a search box to help with filtering
  • Groupings - The menu's grouping has been updated from the assumptions we made early days, to reflect how our real customers use the menu.
    • Dashboards, Project management, Directory, and Modules are the top-level groupings
    • SWMS, Insurances, and SDS have moved to the Safety sub-group
    • Workers and Staff have been grouped under the People sub-group
  • Settings popup - Further aiding to reduce scrolling, a few menu items have been moved into a popup menu accessed by clicking on Settings in the bottom left corner. Those items are
    • Company settings
    • Integrations
    • Admin users
    • Projects
  • Better breadcrumbs - The previous breadcrumb system left a lot to be desired. With this revamp, the breadcrumbs at the top of the page should work exactly how you'd expect. I know, seems obvious.
  • New menu - We’ve added a nifty + New dropdown for common actions where you need to create a record, these are
    • Action
    • Project
    • Subcontractor
    • Project

There's also a tonne of tidy-up under the hood and technical improvements that we won't go into here. We're hoping this redesigned navigation improves your usage of BuildPass.

We've got some more exciting features coming in the future that will make the menu much more personalised to your exact needs. In the meantime, if you have any feedback on the new navigation, we'd love to hear it. Reach out at

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