Construction Restart Plan: What Do You Need To Do?

As of Tue 5th October, the Victorian construction industry will re-open, following the COVIDSafe Reopening plan.

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Matt Perrott
Co-Founder - BuildPass
Oct 02, 2021 - 00:25 AMMax 2min read
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What do you need to do as the Builder?

By Tuesday 5th October 2021, you should have done the following:

  1. Completed the COVIDSafe Declaration for each worksite
  2. Assigned COVID Marshals (who have official training) to each worksite
  3. Contacted workers about your plan for vaccine sighting

COVIDSafe Declaration

You must complete the COVIDSafe Declaration for each worksite.

You will need the following before starting:

  1. Your business ABN
  2. Your QR code posters (available via Service Victoria website)

To complete the form:

  1. Login at
  2. Click Find Services > Business > COVIDSafe Construction Declaration
  3. Complete the form for each worksite

COVID Marshals

  1. Assign a COVID Marshal to each worksite
  2. Ensure each COVID Marshal has completed the relevant training (here)
  3. Keep evidence of their training on record

Vaccine Evidence Sighting

  1. Communicate with all subcontractors/workers about your plan to sight vaccine evidence
  2. Ensure that you have sighted all vaccine evidence, either in advance or when the worker arrives at site
  3. Keep a record of:
  • the worker
  • the type of evidence that was sighted
  • who sighted the evidence
  • the time of sighting

Want to make the process easier?

BuildPass streamlines the process of collecting & reviewing vaccination information.

Learn More

All BuildPass current BuildPass customers have access to our vaccination module, and we are also offering the vaccination module completely free.

Already got BuildPass?

We've put together an article on how to best manage vaccination status.

Read Article

More information:

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